GBC 420 MultiBind Manual Binding Machine
GBC 420 MultiBind Manual Binding Machine
The GBC MultiBind 420 is a robust multi-functional binder that can create comb, click or wire bound documents, ideal for heavy use. It can punch up to 20 x 80gsm sheets ready for click or both traditional 34 and 21 loop wire binding, or for comb binding, while it binds up to 125 sheets using 14mm wire, 145 sheets (16mm click) or 450 sheets (51mm comb).
Great added value machine. The GBC MultiBind 420 gives you the flexibility to cater for all occasions in 4 different binding styles:
Comb binding – Is perfect for informal (Internal Documents) such as training materials/storage and reference documents and is ideal for everyday use. CombBind produces documents that can be easily updated allowing you to add or remove pages after the initial bind.
WireBind is perfect for professional (External Documents) such as pitches, tenders and client presentations and is ideal for important documents. Wire binding produces documents that are permanently bound for additional security. Allows for 21 loop and 34 Loop.
Clickbind, unique to GBC, the click binding styles enables to edit documentation when required.
Features & Specifications:
– 7 De Selectable Pins – For A5 and US quarto punching
– Wire Compression Chamber – For compressing WireBind documents
– Punch Capacity: 12 pages – 80gsm for wire and click
– Double Handle – For extra power when punching
– Punch Capacity: Up to 20 Sheets (80gsm)
– Wire Binding Capacity: 125 pages (80gsm) Using up to 14mm wire
– Comb Binding Capacity: 450 pages (80gsm) Using up to 51mm comb
– Click Binding Capacity: 145 pages (80gsm) Using up to 16mm click
– Solid construction, provides longer life and greater durability
– Warranty: 2 Years
– Dimensions: (HxWxD) 18 x 52 x 51cm
– Weight: 12.5kg